Every year, Lions Clubs around the world, actively get involved, in arranging, at level of each country, where there is a Lions Club, a Youth Camp and a Youth Exchange.

The Youth Camp is extended over 2-3 weeks and gathers young people from all countries that participate at this program, assisted by Lions members and Leo, and the Youth Change program is extended on about 1 to 2 weeks and is about Lions families hosting young people.

It is given the chance to this young, with ages between 16 and 21, to travel in other countries and to meet traditions and cultures which are different than theirs.

This year Lions Club Ploiesti, joined this initiative and sent 1 boy to the Japan camp. The boy have good results at the  Mihai Viteazul College where pass to the twelve class.


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Lions Clubs International is the largest humanitarian service organization in the world, made up of people with a recognized moral and social position, able to improve the fate of the poor, united by friendship and animated by the desire to serve.


Lions Club Ploiesti

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